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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Depth of field

Depth of field

Aperture:The blades in your lens that depict the amount of depth of field.
Aperture priority: Setting on your camera that all the other settings revolve around.
Ambient light: The light coming from the natural light sources around you.
Artificial light: Light coming into a photograph from an unnatural light source.
ISO: light sensitivity
Brackets: Settings that depict where your light is going to be.
Depth of field: Where you are sharp depending on your aperture
Exposure triangle: Shutter speed aperture and ISO are in the triangle.
How to control your depth of field. Small aperture wide depth of field. Big aperture centered depth.
Light meter: Tells you what your exposure should be if you are shooting film

Small depth of field

Medium depth of field

Long depth of field.

Unusual focusing

Ambient light

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