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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Photoshopped eye

This is one of my photo projects our teacher told us to to do.

I love it!

Copy and paste the link for the full image (recomended) or just look at the photo here.

C:\Documents and Settings\1054966\Desktop\Photoshoped eye (ethan).jpg

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Our teacher got us to take photos one day because it was snowing and it was a perfect oppurtinity. Our battery ran out so we had to go back inside.

Luckily I had some time to go and take shots later that day.

This is what turned out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Contact sheet

These are the photos I took for my shutter speed project.

Shutter speed photos

 I took this on a hike in b.c.  I luckily had my trusty tripod so I scored this shot.
I love this photo because it was the first photo of long exposed water and it turned out to be one of my favourite shots ever!

In this photo the stream was taken in a third of a second so it looks like the water is flowing really fast.

I emphasized this photo with extreme amounts of theme. It it talking within itself about the beauty of nature and things will look different from different prospectives. Contrast is nice. here are some parts of the water that are just touching the rocks and its really cool to see that.

The rocks that are involved in this shot give it colour and meaning. Just seeing water that is looks like its going fast will not look like anything. It will just look clear but if you add something to stare at beyond the water then that makes it interesting.

Hope you enjoy

If you want to see the full sized image (a lot better)


Copy the link and paste it at the top bar


Next photo.


This photo I took while hearing a siren at the middle of the night. I ran outside with my camera following the sound and found the problem. There was a house that was starting to smoke and it was surrounded with firemen rushing to get a hold of the fire. Some were running really fast.

So I scored this photo.


Next photo.

Fast panning ish.

This photo I took while I was at the vancouver german christmas market. I had luckily grabbed my camera and went to the rides and I scored this shot.


Merry go round kid.

Next photo.


This photo I took while driving along a long and lonesome road with my parents. We heard this really loud noise of birds and saw a huge amount flying around. I scored this shot as well.


Next photo

Merry go round family.

While at the same place as the othe merrygo round photo was taken, I saw this shot while looking through my photos I took earlier. I love it.
Hope you do too.


Last photo

Panning slow.

Same thing but diffent if that makes sense.

I hope you liked my collection of photographs.
I had a lot of fun!

Friday, January 6, 2012

My favourite photo from 2011

 I took this on a hike in b.c.  I luckily had my trusty tripod so I scored this shot.
I love this photo because it was the first photo of long exposed water and it turned out to be one of my favourite shots ever!

In this photo the stream was taken in a third of a second so it looks like the water is flowing really fast.

I emphasized this photo with extreme amounts of theme. It it talking within itself about the beauty of nature and things will look different from different prospectives. Contrast is nice. here are some parts of the water that are just touching the rocks and its really cool to see that.

The rocks that are involved in this shot give it colour and meaning. Just seeing water that is looks like its going fast will not look like anything. It will just look clear but if you add something to stare at beyond the water then that makes it interesting.

Hope you enjoy

If you want to see the full sized image (a lot better)


Copy the link and paste it at the top bar


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New years photos.

This next photo look like its in some sort of racing movie and it looks so great.
Pretend there is a motorcyclist on a bike and tons of colours are popping out at your face. You think photo shop was involved but oh no. It wasn't.
This is also like an example of panning and doing a great job of it. This was at a biking championship warmup for the guy and his baby.

When you see this photo you think a race and youre right because its moving so fast that the thing around him are blurring and it look so sick.

There are a lot of leading lines and a little bit of contrast.


New years photos.

This next shot will blow your mind because when you look at it you will see first a man or woman and think wow that looks really cool what they are doing. And then when you see the trees and realize how high up they are you go WOW thats insane. Thats what happened to me.

I love this photo because it makes you eyes wonder around. It just looks so epic!

I think this is at the ski jump tournament in germany. This guys from poland.

The leading lines the framing the contrast, everything. AMAZING!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New years photos.

This is a photo from new years called the polar swim. It is believed to boost ones stamina virility and strength.

I really love this photo because when you look at the people you can occaissionly see a person or two running back from the cold water.

The image is capturing everyone and what they are doing. There is not one person that is doing the same thing. Everyone looks so energetic in this photo.

Its funny because there is so much repetition in this photo it is ridiculous.